Media Release

League of Friends donates over £20,000 to benefit patients

Patients at The Queen Elizabeth Hospital are benefitting from new and improved equipment thanks to more than £20,000 donated by the League of Friends Charity.
Left to right: Marie Long, Penny Hipkin and Judy May standing in front of The League of Friends shop in the QEH.

This month the League of Friends Charity has approved three separate funding requests for new and improved equipment to improve patient care and experience at The QEH which totals to £20,845.

The hospital will soon benefit from an updated equipment for the Fracture Clinic including a new treatment chair, 50 hearing devices and six speaking clocks for patients with hearing difficulties and are visually impaired.

Being a hospital inpatient can be daunting for some people, especially those with health conditions or impairments, but thanks to this generous funding our patients will feel more comfortable during their stay.

The hearing loops allow patients with hearing impairments to communicate with confidence. The battery powered machine amplifies sound so that patients can hear with ease. The amplifier can also boost the different frequencies of sound, allowing patients to adapt the machine to fit their individual needs.

The talking cube clocks will help support visually impaired patients, and patients living with dementia, who may need extra support telling the time. The easy-to-use clocks have both audio cues and function buttons so that patients know what time it is.

Penny Hipkin, the League of Friends Chair, said: “Purchases like this are exactly what the League of Friends is here for and it’s wonderful we can support patients and staff in this way.”

The League of Friends raises vital funds for the hospital through generous donations from the public, legacies left in peoples Wills and through profits from the Leagues hospital shop. Last year The League of Friends celebrated its platinum anniversary and during its time has donated more than £3 million to the Trust.

If you would like to donate to the League of Friends, or to find out more information about the charity, please contact Carol Crake, Honorary League of Friends Secretary at


Notes to editors;

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For all other enquiries, please contact QEH Switchboard on 01553 613613.

To download the press release and photos, click here.