Media Release QEHKL Charity

Uplifting exercise therapies making a difference to patients with dementia

Six months ago, The QEHKL Charity’s Dementia Care Appeal hit its £80,000 fundraising target thanks to the incredible generosity of local people and businesses

The two-phase appeal, which launched in January 2023, raised just over £100,000 to improve the experience of patients living with dementia. The money is also being used to help reduce the time patients are in hospital which improves their mental and physical health.

Therapists from EPIC Norfolk and staff at QEH

Thanks to the generosity of local communities and businesses, The QEH invested in beneficial exercise therapies delivered by specialists from Exercising People In Communities (EPIC) Norfolk. This is a not-for-profit organisation dedicated to improving the lives of people through physical activity.

Since January exercise specialists have been visiting hospital wards twice a week to carry out a mix of one-to-one sessions, group seated exercises and sports exercises such as bowling.They seen around 18 patients per visit.

Lucy Baker, one of the EPIC specialists, said: “We have seen lots of positive changes in patients. We witnessed this through feedback from the patients, their facial expressions and body language, laughter and cheering during the group activities.

“Some family members visiting their loved ones have even joined in during the group activities. They enjoy being able to interact in something fun together.”

Each year the Trust cares for around 1,400 patients with this progressive condition.

Rachel Burridge (left) and Dr Katie Honney (right)

Dr Katie Honney, clinical director for Integrated Care of the Older Person and clinical lead for the charity appeal said: “We are eternally grateful to everyone who supported this important campaign and donated to the cause.

“With the money raised we have been able to ensure that patients living with dementia can benefit from exercise therapies while they are being cared for on our wards.”

Rachel Burridge, consultant nurse for Frailty at The QEH, said: “Exercise therapy is proven to help patients regain balance and improve both physical and mental health.

“We have noticed how our patients’ mood can change and how they can be uplifted when they engage in an activity delivered by the EPIC Norfolk Exercise Specialists – they reminisce about past sports and hobbies they have been interested in. It is very rewarding to see a patient smile and enjoy their time in hospital, which is improving the overall patient experience.”


Notes to editors;

About dementia:

Dementia is a set of symptoms that over time can affect memory, problem-solving, language and behaviour. There a four main types with most common being Alzheimer’s and it is predicted that by 2025 there will be one million people in the UK with the condition. Today 52% of UK adults know someone with dementia.

About EPIC Norfolk:

Exercising People in Communities Norfolk is a social enterprise which promotes and delivers the benefits of physical activity for people of all ages and abilities. On this website you will find details of the range of activities the organisation is involved in and offers across the county. The organisation’s Director, Steven Hitcham, is a level 4 qualified  instructor with a range of specialist sport qualifications, and is certified to provide activity sessions for people living with complex disabilities as well as in care homes and schools in the UK. Steven has extensive experience working with a number of groups to provide activity and movement sessions for improved health and independence.

The appeal has funded:

  • Exercise Specialists provided by EPIC (Exercising People in Communities) Norfolk, which will continue for the next year include:
    • Two therapists onsite twice a week
    • A mix of one-to-one sessions, group seated exercises, and sports exercises such as bowling and skittles

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Click here to download the press release and photos.